Wednesday, November 10, 2010

4 Women

(Photo Credit, BET)

I didn't even get a chance to watch this live, but I think Akua Taylor for posting it on FB. I swear on everything I love, if you haven't seen this performance PLEASE do yourself a favor and click this link. If you are a Nina Simone fan like I'm a Nina Simone fan, you may be skeptical at first but these four women----these four LADIES actually (my mother stressed the difference at a young age. "Every woman you meet may be female, she may be a woman, but her actions will prove whether or not she is a 'lady'") Anyhoo, these ladies put it down. As a Nina Simone fan, I was BLOWN away, as a Marsha Ambrosious, Jill Scott and Ledisi fan I was BLOWN away. And having not necessarily having ever REALLY listened to Kelly Price before, I was BLOWN away. Please enjoy.  4 Women, BET Black Girls Rock

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