Monday, December 6, 2010


Being from the 'Ville, growing up I always heard girls talk about their 'hurr.' It was only when I got older that I finally figured out that they were saying 'hair.' LOL. Whether it's 'hurr' or 'hair' it's a tremendously personal thing. I've never REALLY cut or colored my hair but I have transitioned from getting regular perms from the age of 4 or 5 until the night before my coronation as Miss Fisk in 2006.

Perms, Good Hair, Thick Hair, YOUR hair
I ALWAYS hated perms...they never lasted long enough in my hair and no matter what I did---it ALWAYS burned. After years of being permed up and leaving the shop burned up---I finally met Ms. Carolyn Nelson a kind and gentle soul who knew exactly what she was doing...she had a storefront shop  right off of Cecil and Greenwood and she crafted magic with her bowl of relaxer and her stubby but nimble fingers. Her roller wraps (a sure-fire not to be mistaken sign of a TRUE girl from Louisville) were on POINT. The styling not so much---she would whip the MESS out of your hair but as soon as you left---the rest was on you.

I was very proud of the fact that I had never had any weave or extensions in my hair before---honestly because I didn't need it. Heredity has bequeathed me raven black, THICK hair...but in the years since I graduated from high school...silvery strands that have felt the need to assert themselves I'm sure you can only imagine how 'crucial' my gray is now, nearly 8 years later. Gray is like an Eaton and Hamilton family calling card and so I embrace it. *sigh* Now where was I?

I had never worn a weave before I was elected Miss Fisk University and went to the HBCU Queens pageant in Atlanta. Between the pageant and my coronation a few weeks later I decided to take the plunge and get it weaved up. I loved it and of course Mommy didn't. LOL, just like when I got super super skinny between freshman and junior year---anyways...I got it weaved up and if you hadn't known that my hair was that length---you really wouldn't have known. The weave was nice but shortlived. I had no idea what I was doing and had it taken out a few weeks later...had no idea it could be washed and pressed and re-curled like regular hair. Ah well, it was for the best. 

As a graduation gift to myself I went to Ghana with a group of other students and professors from Fisk and enjoyed the Motherland thoroughly! Before I left, I decided to get braided up TRIPLE OG style! They were some of the most beautiful braids I have EVER had before or since and didn't want to part with them...I got compliments on them EVERYWHERE I went! And when I told people that it had taken 3 women 2-3 hours to do it and it only cost be a TOTAL of $15---folks barely believed me and still don't. And when I told them that $15 is what I paid for them but $8 is what they asked, all they can do is laugh.

Anyways, after my beautiful Ghanaian Senegalese twists, my hair grew like wildfire and instead of reperming ALL the hair that had grown out I decided to transition to being natural.

Some people can just shave all their hair off and be okay with it. I, on the other hand have a face that needs hair. I need something to frame my face. Over the course of a year of twists, wash and go's and rockin it straight. I was free of the perm! :-)

I always found it curious how men approach me, look at me or treat me when my hair is in certain styles. When it's natural guys see me as much more approachable...HA. When I'm pressed out I feel as though I look much more 'typical' I suppose? After I've dated or gone out with a guy for a while it's also interesting to see which they prefer...especially if they're thumbed through any of my 1300 pictures on FB to see what I used to look like with permed hair, braids or an afro.

My main reason for writing this post is in reaction to going to a Dominican salon for the first time on Wednesday and being told that I should re-perm my hair....I was horribly offended to say the least. If I'm paying you to do my hair, shouldn't you just deep condition it, straighten it and say nothing? Ugh. So rude.

My Daddy always said, "Good hair is the hair on your head. If you have hair, that's good." To which I would add to that, even if you DON'T have hair, that's good if that's what you want. Go for it. Follow your bliss!"

I will leave you with some amazing imagery. Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Well that was really rude. I wonder what gives people the audacity to tell you, how they feel about your natural hair.
