Thursday, January 20, 2011

They Call Me, @Fisk Forever: Tonight's Black DC Blogger Meet Up & Tweet Up

Had a wonderful time this evening connecting names (Twitter handles) with faces (TwitPics & Avatars),  checking out a new spot and meeting new creative minds. Ahhh, how refreshing! :-)  It was all thanks to @DCBuppie and her blog, Check her out, she's pretty fly! This evening and all the contacts made was just what I needed to get re-inspired to blog more often and finish up these bags I'm making for a fellow Fiskite. Can't wait to knock these out. and @FiskForever

@Lil_TinkrBella, @TheMarciOh and @RedCarpetImages,

Photo Credit: Good Life University,
Another Fine Photo Credit for Good Life University,

For the record, as I met folks tonight, I told them about my love and lifelong propensity toward photography and what did I do? I took 6 pics alllll night. *Tori shrug* But here they are all the same.

I didn't bring out my camera but I also met really nice folks from Good Life University and I MUST say---their branding is TIGHT. I'm not sure if anyone else still says that, but dagnabbit. It is. The shirts, their iPad with THE SICKEST hi-res images from a photo shoot they did----MAN! Had me thinkin' about a #RedCupLife! LOL, I told them their friends should meet my friends---maybe we could be friends---shoot we could do this every weekend. ;-) #RIPBIG

All in all, whenever there's an opportunity to meet genuinely cool, down-to-earth people with great conversation, no pretenses and break out of the same old, same old, you WILL find me there. GLADLY. Please show the fellas some love on Twitter, their site and Facebook. The same goes for, @DCBuppie, @TheMarciOh, @LilTinkrBella, @AngryBlkManDC, etc. etc.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Daddy Hamilton

Came across this GAWJUS shot of a father and daughter in the Motherland and it reminded me of the closeness I share with my own father. His birthday is this coming Saturday and this is no tie clip, money clip or new tie but in lieu of being there in person, this post is dedicated to him. I love you Daddy-O! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Old Wine, New Bottles: New Year, Same Me.

This might be late---but hopefully it's right on time.

In the morning when I brush my teeth---in the evening when I brush my teeth and all day long in between I have to live with me. I run into others all day long between these two times but I must make decisions, create beauty and seek out what I want. No one else will ever or could ever do this for me.

I had THE most AMAZING New Year's! I got to spend it with friends, family and friends who are more family than anything else. I spent time in quiet reflection with my faith and got to literally let my hair down and shake a tail feather.

I tested out my culinary skills and had very little to complain about. Here's to 2011 being all that I make it.  Here's to you doing the same.